Monday, August 16, 2010

Does Anyone Know How To Put Youtube Videos Onto Your PSP?

I tried using PSP Video 9 but it didn't work because I have the newest version and don't know how to get the old one. I used a different program where you copy and paste the Youtube URL in the box, click which program you want to move it to, PSP, and I click "Download and Convert" Now here's the thing, it's saved on my computer, I moved it the video section, and when I look on my PSP, it took up the space, but there was no video. Does anyone know why? Do I have to name my video folder something certain for the video to show up? I currently have the folder as "VIDEO" and I also tried "VIDEOS" do you have to have it lower case? Who knows a step by step way to get Youtube videos onto your PSP? Remember, 10 Points to the person who helps! Thank you

Have a Great Day!

I'm asking you guys because I usually get a lot of answers, and the right section wasn't a whole lot of help.

Does Anyone Know How To Put Youtube Videos Onto Your PSP?
I have not used PSP Video 9, here is my experience to convert video to PSP you can have a try.

As PSP only accept MPEG-4. You need to use a PSP convert software which I recommend you to try Daniusoft DVD to PSP Suite. It could help you to convert any DVD/ video to PSP in only three steps.

You can free download it here:

Note: If your video already is MP4 format and your PSP firmware version is below V3.0:

1) create a folder named "MP_ROOT" in PSP memory stick

2) inside that folder create an "100MNV01" folder, and a "100ANV01" folder.

3) If your video is MP4 format, rename it with this format "M4VXXXXX.MP4", rename the thumbnail with this format "M4VXXXXX.HTM", XXXXX are five random numbers you like.

4) If your video is MP4, save it in the "100MNV01" folder, but if its and AVC video, save it in the "100ANV01" folder.

If your PSP firmware version is above V3.0

1) create a folder named "MP_ROOT" in PSP memory stick

2) inside that folder create a "Video" folder

3) then copy your MP4 file to this folder, done
Reply:i iam not sure but you should try to buy the psp media manager so if the videos are not in mp4 the you can convert them and there is a neat little folder were they will be then all you do is check mark the box click on the menue and clik copy slected movies to psp and you are done.

And i know what you are talking about when i ask video

game questions in the right section no one answers but everyone answers fast on this section

Reply:GOING TO %26amp; copy youtube video link %26amp; paste in vixy bar. slect output MP4. NOW YOU CAN TRANSFER YOUR VIDEO TO PSP.
Reply:it is hard but ill telll u first go to type the name it matters wut video u like then u click on the video and take the url then go to there will be like this URL-type the higlited url here then choose which type of video for....u can choose any one of those but if u want it for psp go to MPEG for psp/ipod
Reply:Try TubeHunter Ultra which downloads Music/Audios and videos from hundreds of video sharing webs to your IPOD/PSP. It also rips DVD movie and converts all popular video formats to IPOD/PSP MP4.


TubeHunter Ultra downloads YouTube/Myspace/Metacafe/Daily... videos to PC/iPOD/PSP/ZUNE/MOBILE

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